Friday, August 8, 2014

Owl Moon

Realistic Fiction
1988 Caldecott Medal


Owl Moon written by Jane Yolen and illustrated by John Schoenherr is a story about a young girl and her father that take a nighttime stroll on the farm to look for owls.  John Schoenherr's Caldecott award winning watercolor paintings represent Jane Yolen's words exceptionally well in the white sky and the white snow.  The characters, shadows, landscape, and owl are rich in coloring while the bright white of the snow leaves room for the text.

Reader Response Questions

Introduce the book, Owl Moon by having students look at the cover illustration and share their predictions.  Ask guiding questions to spark their responses:

  • What sights and sounds would you see on a winter walk in the woods during the day?
  • What would you see and hear at night?
  • Why do you think the characters in this story decided to go walk in the woods at night?
  • What clues do the title and cover illustration reveal? 

Activity: Learn About Owls

Jane Yolen lives in rural Massachusetts.  What kind of owl would she see on a walk in the woods? John Schoenherr lives on a farm in New Jersey.  What kind of owl would he see on a walk in the woods?  Research different kinds of owls to find the facts about owls and their habitats. 

The Author's Website


Yolen, Jane. (1987). Owl Moon. New York, NY: Philomel Books 

1 comment:

  1. Lara.

    I have an activity that can be used in conjunction with the story Owl moon.

    Depending on the age group, I would have my students do a research paper on Owls.
    For younger children I would give them magazine and have them go through and find images of owls and compare and contrast the pictures. I would also have them write a summary about where they found the picture, example : was it in a tree? Did the background appear to be at night or was it day?
